June 5, 2017 From rOpenSci (https://deploy-preview-334--ropensci.netlify.app/blog/2017/06/05/unconf_recap_1/). Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the CC-BY license.
Following up on Stefanie’s recap of unconf 17, we are following up this entire week with summaries of projects developed at the event. We plan to highlight 4-5 projects each day, with detailed posts from a handful of teams to follow.
Summary: skimr
, a package inspired by Hadley Wickham’s precis package, aims to provide summary statistics iteratively and interactively as part of a pipeline. The package provides easily skimmable summary statistics to help you better understand your data and see what is missing.
Team: Amelia McNamara, Eduardo Arino de la Rubia, Hao Zhu, Julia Lowndes, Shannon Ellis, Elin Waring, Michael Quinn, Hope McLeod
Github: https://github.com/ropenscilabs/skimr
Summary: emldown
is a package for creating a helpful website based on EML metadata. Ecological Metadata Language (EML) is a metadata specification developed by the ecology discipline and for the ecology discipline. EML is implemented as a series of XML document types that can by used in a modular and extensible manner to document ecological data.
Team: Maëlle Salmon, Kara Woo, Andrew McDonald, Carl Boettiger
Github: https://github.com/ropenscilabs/emldown
Summary: testrmd
provides facilities to enable testing of and reporting on tested R Markdown chunks. When running R Markdown documents as part of a workflow where the data are likely to change with each render, testrmd
ensures that each chunk will alert the reader to any problems that may arise as a result of such subtle changes in data.
Team: Mara Averick, Christopher Tull, Joe Cheng, Robert Flight
Github: https://github.com/ropenscilabs/testrmd
Summary: The webrockets
package implements a basic websocket listener in R. The implementation draws heavily on @hrbrmstr’s wrapper of easywsclient
in https://github.com/ropenscilabs/decapitated.
Miles McBain, Alicia Schep, Carl Ganz, Bob Rudis, Henrik Bengtsson, Joe Cheng