October 15, 2020 From rOpenSci (https://deploy-preview-334--ropensci.netlify.app/blog/2020/10/15/news-oct2020/). Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the CC-BY license.
Our community manager Stefanie Butland, and one of our software review editors Brooke Anderson, are speaking remotely at an R-Ladies East Lansing meetup Thursday, October 22nd. They will talk about our how to get involved in rOpenSci using our new Contributing Guide as an entry point, and through participating in software review as a package author or reviewer.
The purpose of our new Contributing Guide is to welcome you to rOpenSci and help you recognize yourself as a potential contributor. It will help you figure out what you might gain by giving your time, expertise, and experience; match your needs with things that will help rOpenSci’s mission; and connect you with resources to help you along the way.
3 community-contributed packages passed software peer review.
mcbette - Model Comparison Using babette. Author: Richel Bilderbeek; Reviewers: Vikram Baliga, Joëlle Barido-Sottani; Read the Review
medrxivr - Access and Search MedRxiv and BioRxiv Preprint Data. Author: Luke McGuinness; Reviewers: Tuija Sonkkila, Najko Jahn; Read the Review
Consider submitting your package or volunteering to review. If you want to be a reviewer fill out this short form, and we’ll ping you when there’s a submission that fits in your area of expertise.
2 new peer-reviewed packages from the community are on CRAN.
1 new package from the rOpenSci team is on CRAN.
Rectifying Hand-Drawn Marks on Maps With the mapscanner Package by Mark Padgham
Scientific Name Parsing: rgnparser and namext Tech note by Scott Chamberlain
Hacktober? Any Month is a Good Month to Contribute to rOpenSci by Stefanie Butland
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, August 2020 by Stefanie Butland
74 published works cited or used rOpenSci software (listed in individual newsletters)
6 use cases for our packages or resources were posted in our discussion forum. Look for citecorp, europepmc, fulltext, magick, oai, rAltmetric, rcrossref, refsplitr, rentrez, rtweet, roadoi
Have you used an rOpenSci package? Share your use case and we’ll tweet about it.
One of our software review editors, Anna Krystalli, was featured in the podcast RSE Stories, in an episode titled R for Reproducibility.
The latest episode of the Changelog Podcast was How open source saved htop. It may be of interest to readers of our newsletter as a vignette of how a project transitioned maintainers. The original htop repository, and the new one.
Part of our mission is making sustainable software that users can rely on. Sometimes software maintainers need to give up maintenance due to a variety of circumstances. When that happens we try to find new maintainers. Check out our guidance for taking over maintenance of a package.
monkeylearn is in need of a new maintainer. Comment on this thread if you’re interested.
We create a newsletter every two weeks. You can subscribe via rss feed in XML or JSON or via our one-way mailing list.
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