December 18, 2020 From rOpenSci ( Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the CC-BY license.
We’re thrilled to announce three new rOpenSci Software Review Editors: Laura DeCicco, Julia Gustavsen, and Mauro Lepore and we released the fifth version (v0.5) of the rOpenSci Developer Guide.
Our Community Call on The Wild World of Data Repositories took place Dec 16 with an audience of 153 people! The video will be posted, along with collaborative notes and resources, by Dec 21.
2 community-contributed packages passed software peer review.
phonfieldwork - Linguistic Phonetic Fieldwork Tools. Author: George Moroz; Reviewers: Jonathan Keane, Niko Partanen; Read the Review
SymbiotaR2 - Downloading data from Symbiota2 portals into R. Author: Austin Koontz; Reviewers: Ben Bond-Lamberty, Scott Chamberlain; Read the Review
6 packages have been submitted for review.
We will not be accepting new submissions during the period Dec 19-Jan 3, nor engaging in editorial activity on reviews underway. Happy Holidays!
Consider submitting your package or volunteering to review. If you want to be a reviewer fill out this short form, and we’ll ping you when there’s a submission that fits in your area of expertise.
7 new packages on CRAN.
allcontributors - to acknowledge all contributors in your ‘README’ (or elsewhere). Author: Mark Padgham
BaseSet - working with sets the tidy way. Author: Lluís Revilla Sancho
dataspice - create lightweight descriptions of data. Author: Bryce Mecum
mcbette - model comparison using babette. Author: Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek
outsider - Install and Run Programs, Outside of R, Inside of R. Author: Dom Bennett
rgnparser - parse scientific names using the Go tool gnparser. Author: Scott Chamberlain
taxlist - handling taxonomic lists. Author: Miguel Alvarez Automating Website Updates with the europepmc and rAltmetric Packages by Zhang-He Goh, Jonny Coates, and Hugo Gruson
Searching medRxiv and bioRxiv Preprint Data by Luke McGuinness
Using Open-Access Tools (rentrez, taxize) to Find Coronaviruses, Their Genetic Sequences, and Their Hosts by Liam Brierley
Selecting the Best Phylogenetic Evolutionary Model by Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek
Accessing GrahpQL from R by Dennis Irorere and Scott Chamberlain
fulltext: Behind the Scenes Tech note by Scott Chamberlain
Moving away from Travis CI Tech note by Jeroen Ooms
Installing V8 is now even easier Tech note by Jeroen Ooms
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, October 2020 by Stefanie Butland
63 published works cited or used rOpenSci software (listed in individual newsletters)
5 use cases for our packages or resources were posted in our discussion forum. Look for av, magick, osmdata, rnaturalearth, rtweet, stplanr, taxlist
Have you used an rOpenSci package? Share your use case and we’ll tweet about it.
We maintain a Contributing Guide to help you recognize yourself as a potential contributor. (You don’t have to be a developer!) It will help you figure out what you might gain by giving your time, expertise, and experience; match your needs with things that will help our mission; and connect you with resources to help you along the way.
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