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A first look at the R-universe build infrastructure

This post is part of a series of technotes about our new R development platform called r-universe. As the project evolves, we will post updates to document features and technical details. In this first article, we take a global look at the the core build system. 🔗 The R-universe build system The R-universe system is a complex effort, consisting of numerous frontend and backend pieces that operate across various platforms....

rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.6.0: Updates

Updates in version 0.6.0 of the online book 'rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review'

coder Makes Medical Coding less Messy

The coder package helps to summarize and interpret (medical) coding in R (think ICD, ATC and more)!

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