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Supercharge your GitHub Actions Experience with tic

tic simplifies CI tasks for R projects and now provides supercharged support for GitHub Actions. By enhancing the good work of [r-lib/actions]( tic provides a DSL for R for CI tasks.

Community Call - Maintaining an R Package

For this Community Call, we’re trying something different. We’ll start with a short talk by Julia Silge, then spend most of the time on Q & A with four panelists - Elin Waring, Erin Grand, Leonardo Collado-Torres, and Scott Chamberlain - moderated by Julia. Our panelists bring a wide range of perspectives so there’s something for everyone. Collectively, they have experience developing and maintaining passion-project packages, very popular packages, too many packages on CRAN, packages on Bioconductor, and taking over maintenance (and changing things!...

opentripplanner: Fast and Easy Multimodal Trip Planning in R with OpenTripPlanner

With services like Google Maps, finding the fastest route from A to B has become quick, cheap, and easy. Not just for driving but walking, cycling and public transport too. But in the field of transport studies, we often want not only a single route, but thousands or millions of routes. This is where we hit a problem for services such as Google or the Open Route Service, that usually only allow a limited number of free routes per day (typically around 1000)....

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