At their closing keynote at the 2020 RStudio Conference, Hilary Parker and Roger Peng mentioned that they hatched the idea for their excellent Not So Standard Deviations podcast following their reunion at the 2015 rOpenSci unconf, (“runconf15”). That statement went straight to my heart because it pin-pointed how I had been feeling throughout the week of RStudio Conference that I had been unable to name. At rstudio::conf, I was surrounded by so many of the incredible people I had met at that very same runconf15....
🔗 rOpenSci HQ On behalf of rOpenSci, thank you to everyone who has contributed their creativity, curiosity, smarts, and time in the last year. Read our Thank You, 2019. 🔗 Software Peer Review 3 community-contributed packages passed software peer review. osfr - R Interface to OSF. Author: Aaron Wolen; Reviewers: Heidi Seibold, Carl Boettiger; Read the Review Rclean - A Tool for Writing Cleaner, More Transparent Code....
taxadb provides quick and easy access to taxonomic data from multiple providers resolving hundreds of names to taxonomic identifiers in seconds.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Dickens might have meant it figuratively, but in the case of the rOpenSci OzUnconf 2019, we mean it literally. Set to the backdrop of a national emergency that is still ongoing from 11-13 December, our participants came from across Australia as well as New Zealand, Japan, India and Indonesia. An rOpenSci unconference (unconf) is about building - building software, tools, but more importantly community....
The latest version of the rOpenSci av package includes some useful new tools for working with audio data. We have added functions for reading, cutting, converting, transforming, and plotting audio data in any popular audio / video format (mp3, mkv, aac, etc). The functionality can either be used by itself, or to prepare audio data for further analysis in R using other packages. We hope this clears an important hurdle to use R for research on speech, music, and whale mating calls....