rOpenSci | Blog

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rOpenSci Hiring for New Position in Statistical Software Testing and Peer Review

Are you passionate about statistical methods and software? If so we would love for you to join our team to dig deep into the world of statistical software packages. You’ll develop standards for evaluating and reviewing statistical tools, publish, and work closely with an international team of experts to set up a new software review system. We are seeking a creative, dedicated, and collaborative software research scientist to support a two-year project in launching a new software peer-review initiative....

Aggregating spatial data with the grainchanger package

The grainchanger package provides functionality for data aggregation to a coarser resolution via moving-window or direct methods. 🔗 Why do we need new methods for data aggregation? As landscape ecologists and macroecologists, we often need to aggregate data in order to harmonise datasets. In doing so, we often lose a lot of information about the spatial structure and environmental heterogeneity of data measured at finer resolution. The issues around scale disconnects are both conceptual and practical:...

rOpenSci Announces $678K Award from the Sloan Foundation to Expand Software Peer Review

We’re delighted to announce that we have received new funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The $678K grant, awarded through the Foundation’s Data & Computational Research program, will be used to expand our efforts in software peer review. Software peer review has become a core part of rOpenSci, helping improve scientific software quality, drive best engineering practices into scientific communities, and building community and collaboration through open, constructive reviews. We’re excited to expand our work in this important area....

Community Call - Reproducible Research with R

Our 1-hour Call on Reproducible Research with R will include three speakers and 20 minutes for Q & A. Ben Marwick will introduce you to a research compendium, which accompanies, enhances, or is a scientific publication providing data, code, and documentation for reproducing a scientific workflow. From Karthik Ram you will learn about holepunch, an R package that will take any GitHub repo with R scripts and R markdown files and quickly turn it in into a free, live RStudio server where anyone can run your code!...

Chat with rOpenSci Contributors at useR!2019

Three members of the rOpenSci team - Scott Chamberlain, Jenny Bryan, and Rich FitzJohn - as well as many community members will give talks at useR!2019. Many other package authors, maintainers, reviewers and unconf participants will be there too. Don’t hesitate to ask them about rOpenSci packages, software peer review, community, or just say hello if you’re looking for a friendly face. We’ve listed their talks for you. Search the schedule for details....

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