rOpenSci | Social Coworking and Office Hours - Tackle something you've always wanted to learn
June 7, 2022

Social Coworking and Office Hours - Tackle something you've always wanted to learn

online, 🌐 • With Nicholas Tierney, Steffi LaZerte.

🕓 Tuesday, 07 June 2022 01:00 UTC -

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Meeting ID: 913 2825 6625

Passcode: 512767

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Join us for 2 hours Tuesday, June 7th, 9 AM Australian Western / 1:00 UTC for
Social Coworking + Office Hours

This June we’re focusing on the theme Tackle something you’ve always wanted to learn with community host Nick Tierney, R enthusiast and author of several R packages.

Come for the full 2 hrs or only as long as you need!


  • Take time to tackle something you’ve always wanted to learn
  • Cowork independently on work related to R
    • Plan out that package you’ve always wanted to create
    • Work on packages that tend to be neglected
    • What ever you need to get done!


  • Meet community host, Nick Tierney, and discuss what it is you want to learn, and get some tips and resources to get yourself started!
  • Meet other package developers and rOpenSci staff in Zoom
  • Get answers to your questions
    • Ask your hosts
    • Ask your fellow developers
    • Discuss your work, best practices, or get advice and resources
  • Answer other developers questions!

We host Social Coworking + Office Hours on the first Tuesday of each month, alternating times to accommodate different parts of the world.

Working together to push science forward

Happy rOpenSci users can be found at