rOpenSci | Use Cases

Use Cases

If you’re looking for examples of how our R packages or resources have been used, search no more! We collect use cases in our public forum and we created a template there to help you share yours. Below is a random subset as well as a searchable archive of all use cases. Browse them, and report your own use case(s) to our forum. For more illustrations of our packages' use, also see the citations page.

Featuring: {vitae} and {tic} - both rOpenSci Labs (and excellent).

Reported on 2019-10-03.

Featuring: rtweet.

Reported on 2021-05-12.

Title Resource Date
Linking phylogenetic and geographic data using rotl and rgbif rotl, rgbif 2019-03-22
weathercan: Exploring extreme weather events in my neighbourhood weathercan 2019-03-27
rBiodiversidata rredlist, taxize 2019-03-28
taxize: Understanding how seafood mislabelling misrepresents the conservation status of the fish on your plate taxize 2019-03-29
rgbif: get a little or a*lot* of occurrence data rgbif 2019-04-02
Get tweet status ID from CrossRef Event Data with crevents crevents 2019-04-12
qualtRics: the Stack Overflow Developer Survey qualtRics 2019-05-01
Using drake to power a new soil respiration database drake 2019-05-04
Can rainfall be a useful predictor of epidemic risk across temporal and... nasapower 2019-05-10
rcrossref for #TidyTuesday rcrossref 2019-05-17
Using bib2df to parse the R Journal archives bib2df 2019-05-29
osmdata use case: Bicycle network analysis of Auckland osmdata 2019-05-30
get_clean_obs R Function (searching, pulling and cleaning citizen science records from iNaturalist and GBIF) spocc, rgbif 2019-06-06
Using bomrang to correlate weather conditions to sorghum stalk rot (charcoal rot) bomrang 2019-07-01
Promoting R and rOpenSci packages in UK local government ropenaq 2019-07-17
Using fingertipsR for public health data in UK local government fingertipsR by Sebastian Fox 2019-07-17
Querying linked data to improve public services ghql 2019-07-17
Teaching how to create high quality R packages rOpenSci package development guide book 2019-08-05
Use of R package review guidelines in independent manuscript review rOpenSci package development guide book 2019-08-08
Using rorcid to generate a website CV rorcid: GitHub - ropensci/rorcid: A programmatic interface the API 2019-08-20
Using pdftools, tabulizer, and writexl to simplify business information handling workflow pdftools, tabulizer, writexl 2019-08-27
Converting MedDRA Terminology to Linked Data using rdflib rdflib 2019-09-06
Use rnaturalearth to get a background map in sf format for plotting with ggplot rnaturalearth 2019-09-10
drake use case involving fires! drake 2019-09-27
Can {drake} RAP? Promoting {drake} for pipeline management in UK government {drake} 2019-10-02
Academic CV using {vitae}, {scholar} to pull papers, and {tic} for building on Travis. {vitae} and {tic} - both rOpenSci Labs (and excellent) 2019-10-03
tidyhydat and weathercan webinar tidyhydat, weathercan, hydrology task view 2019-10-29
Reproducible CV using rorcid rorcid 2019-11-02
ERDDAP servers use case: tidync and rerddap rerddap and tidync 2019-11-07
Analyzing invoice data from Elsevier relative to hybrid open access rcrossref, crminer, tabulizer 2019-11-25
Batch image manipulation using magick magick 2019-11-26
mapping the location of biogeography researchers with `refsplitr` package refsplitr 2020-01-28
Accessing, wrangling and plotting global weather data (for free!) rnoaa, lawn 2020-01-30
tabulizer for parsing block-text from .pdf tabulizer 2020-02-01
osmdata use case: Wall Art osmdata 2020-02-06
pdftools for parsing .pdf from a URL - public data mining pdftools 2020-02-15
Searching Microsoft Academic & extracting the metadata microdemic 2020-03-27
pdftools for parsing tables from many .pdfs pdftools 2020-03-31
{Magick}ally Visualize Historical Google Maps Traffic Data magick 2020-04-10
Use of crul's retry sub-routine in an API package crul 2020-04-16
Animated generative art with magick magick 2020-04-21
Using taxadb to query taxonomic information in ecology projects taxadb 2020-04-27
{drake} at Queensland Fire and Emergency Services drake 2020-05-04
Visualize covid19 cases using rnaturalearth package rnaturalearth 2020-05-05
Package for downloading shapefiles using piggyback piggyback 2020-05-11
bomrang with a third party package, stationaRy, to get hourly weather data and clifro to plot wind roses bomrang, clifro 2020-05-17
Using {drake} for machine learning drake 2020-05-22
Detecting the Effects of Sustained Glacier Wastage on Streamflow in Variably Glacierized Catchments (Using tidyhydat) tidyhydat 2020-05-25
Create a time-lapse video using av package av 2020-06-08
Scrape an image from DeepZoom with R and magick, recomposing a single image from multiple tiles magick 2020-06-08
US lawmakers on Twitter during a pandemic: some corpus linguistics methods rtweet 2020-06-09
Testing an API wrapper with webmockr and vcr webmockr and vcr with the HTTP testing book. This question on ROpenSci helped me discover the tools 2020-06-09
Using DataPackageR to create data package Pandemic Papers with Chris Knox DataPackageR 2020-06-17
Using qualtRics to study the effect of COVID-19 on scientists qualtRics 2020-06-21
Filtering pdfs using RegEx in their body pdftools 2020-06-25
Extraindo tabelas de documentos pdf em R com Tabulizer Tabulizer 2020-07-20
Creating a self-updating GitHub README using rtweet and GitHub Actions rtweet 2020-07-21
Spanish and English blogs on how to use rtweet and magick rtweet, magick 2020-08-01
Basic manipulation of GIF frames with magick magick 2020-08-13
Bar chart portraits with magick magick 2020-08-23 using europepmc and rAltmetric europepmc, rAltmetric 2020-09-08
Kontarion - a stack extending rocker/ml-verse for Bibliometric analytics oai, rentrez, fulltext, europepmc, refsplitr, rcrossref, citecorp, roadoi 2020-09-15
Mapping scientific collaboration about the Anthropoce with refsplitr Package refsplitr 2020-09-15
Processing Web of Science records with refsplitr to study author gender and geography Package refsplitr 2020-09-15
A Twitter bot with rtweet, Mapbox and GitHub Actions rtweet 2020-09-25
osmdata: Rail transport network of the three largest cities in Spain osmdata 2020-10-27
osmdata, rnaturalearth and magick for #TidyTuesday osmdata, rnaturalearth, magick 2020-11-06
Use stplanr to find and plot major streets of a city stplanr package 2020-11-18
Handling vegetation-plot information using vegtable and taxlist taxlist 2020-11-21
Using av to convert audio files for compatibility with an electronic storyteller av 2020-12-10
Scraping liked posts on Twitter using rtweet rtweet 2021-01-03
Using ghql to analyze all my 2020 GitHub commits ghql 2021-01-16
Getting and plotting weather and climate data weathercan 2021-01-21
Using dittodb to test database queries dittodb 2021-01-25
Shiny apps to search #rstudioglobal or #rstats tweets with rtweet rtweet 2021-01-25
pdftools for extracting complex (e.g. text-wrapped/multiline) tables from pdfs pdftools 2021-01-26
Use gert to scan all git repos in a directory gert 2021-02-01
Mapping collaborations in Neotropical Taxonomy with refsplitr refsplitr 2021-02-06
Using terrainr to retrieve spatial data and make 3D landscape visualizations terrainr 2021-03-01
Teaching an introduction to workflow management using drake drake 2021-03-25
Using RSelenium to scrape a paginated HTML table RSelenium 2021-04-12
Scraping Google Play Reviews with RSelenium RSelenium 2021-05-11
Easily analyzing tweets using rtweet rtweet 2021-05-12
Most tweeted words each month: a year snapshot rtweet 2021-05-17
Using tabulizer to extract tabular data from daily COVID-19 reports tabulizer 2021-06-07
Using rotl to create phylogenetic trees rotl 2021-06-12
Mapping Asian elephant observations with rgbif rgbif 2021-06-23
Environment Canada air temperature using weathercan weathercan 2021-07-02
Historical dataviz recreations with a sprinkle of magick magick 2021-07-04
pdftools + tesseract para extraer texto en español pdftoolstesseract 2021-07-15
pdftools + map to download & read multiple pdfs pdftools 2021-07-15
Investigating the drought in the Canadian prairies weathercan 2021-07-26
targets pipeline with RMarkdown to download and visualize USGS data targets 2021-07-26
Answering 'what colour is London?' with magick and rtweet rtweet magick 2021-07-27
Informal package review using rOpenSci review template Review template from the package development guide 2021-08-04
Bayesian Regression Analysis with Rstanarm (with GSODR for supporting data) GSODR 2021-09-02
Slicing an image with magick for artistic effect magick 2021-09-07
Using stplanr to find shortest road network distance to a TB treatment clinic from a TB patients' household. stplanr 2021-09-20
Using jsonvalidate to validate the packages.json file from your personal universe jsonvalidate (and R-universe) 2021-10-05
Creating historical Congressional maps with USABoundaries USAboundaries 2021-10-10
Predizendo volume de eucalipto com tidymodels, XGBoost e targets targets 2021-10-13
Evaluating semi-parametric nowcasts of COVID-19 hospital admissions in Germany targets, piggyback 2021-11-30
Calculating US Residential Segregation Indices in A Reproducible Pipeline targets 2022-02-11
Use rtweet to manage lists and who you follow rtweet 2022-02-22
Using vcr for HTTP testing of a package for Kobotoolbox vcr the excellent http testing in r book 2022-03-24
Estimating leaf temperatures worldwide nasapower 2022-04-21

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